Until my hair grows.

What is the reality when we are dreaming ? Only chance can draw distance between two strangers, turnback of time seen from a crystal ball,willing to crash in the image of contemporary movement.
Can you see me ?
Off-screen images of the real characteres.There is aways time four our hair to grow a little bit, life is an unrepeatable moment,t"hats why you have to play fair.

Anna: Can you see me?
Daniel: No, can you?
Anna: A little bit. Were you born during the day or at night?
Daniel: I don't know, but I was born with a tooth and a gray hair.
Anna: Then I think that you were born during the day, because if it would not have been during the day, who would have seen your gray hair?
Daniel: My mom...
Anna: I was breastfed by a black woman.
Daniel: Is that why you have no hair?
Anna: No, no, I gave my hair to my grandmother.
Daniel: I feel like eating something...
Anna: Look, look, the man of the ladder sells pineapple, do you want some?
(transition, they run and laugh)
Daniel: Mmmm... It tastes good.
Anna: (Makes a face)
Daniel: Why do you make that face? Don't you like it?
Anna: It is just too sour...
Danniel: I love sour stuff.
Anna: I think I am going to eat it faster than you, you will see...
Daniel: Hehehe...
Daniel: (old man's voice) off.
Ana, until when are you going to stop looking at the balls?

Anna: Until my hair grows.